A global field guide to design, (life)style and secret finds
est. 2007
  1. The Times Online: 50 world’s best design blogs

    Tol_forblogs_design_200_green Yesterday involved a lot of trudging through snow, sleet and rain, so it was utterly lovely to come home to a warm house, twinkling Christmas tree and a very nice email from Times Online telling me I've made the cut for their 50 best design blogs in the world. I'm super-chuffed to make number 25 and included amongst the likes of Apartment Therapy, Modish, Bloesem and Grain Edit.

    They had this to say about Wee Birdy: "Incredibly cohesive: London shopping and birds-inspired design, authored by an Australian magazine writer living in London".

    Nice early Christmas present, huh? Thanks to all for your ongoing support, chirpy comments and patience with my nerdy birdy ways. I've been visiting some particularly nice shops in London recently, and I can't wait to post about them very soon. xx